By now, all active members who have verified their mailing addresses should have received their 2023 calendar. We’ve also been working hard to make sure missing membership packages get caught up. We’ve mailed most of them from Sept. through Dec. last year, and have been working to catch up for the rest of 2022 before that, in addition to getting our January 2023 renewals and new signup packages out in the next week or so.

If you haven’t checked or updated your mailing address since we moved to the new website last October, please log in and make sure it’s current and accurate! we can’t send you cool stuff without it!

If your address is correct, you haven’t received your membership package from last year, and you haven’t completed our Missing Member Package form yet, please do so now:

Softroader Dawn has been putting in a lot of time lately getting all the data crunched to make this possible – she has a few words to share:

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x